E2PM was retained by ADP to provide environmental, ecological and surveying services for a solar panel project within a 50-acre ADP property at No. 1 ADP Boulevard in Roseland, New Jersey.
ADP proposed to install a series of solar panels within the existing parking lots located on the subject property. Solar panels canopies were constructed to cover parking stalls so as not to reduce the number of existing parking stalls on the property. The canopies have roof leaders that convey runoff from the canopies to the existing stormwater conveyance system within the existing parking lots.
Throughout the course of the project, E2PM provided Boundary and Topographic Base maps, Site Plan Preparation, Wetlands delineations, Due diligence activities (Phase I ESA), Soil movement permits, and coordination’s with Essex County and the soil conservation district.
Surveying tasks including an American Land Title Association (ALTA)/National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) Land Title Survey; locating all property lines (R.O.W.) within survey limits; locating and identifying all property features (buildings, structures, outcrops, stonewalls, wooded areas etc.) and preparing all mapping showing property line and structures.