E2PM was retained in 2018 to provide Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) services for the Bened Building Corporation at the Estate of Palmadesso in Kenilworth, New Jersey. John Ferrante of E2PM was retained as the LSRP on February 21, 2018 to bring the Site into regulatory compliance with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP). 

Environmental tasks to date have included NJDEP file reviews, LSRP Opt-In Application and Submittal, Remedial Action Permit for Soil and Groundwater, Biennial Inspections and Certifications, soil and groundwater investigations, monitoring well installations and groundwater sampling, vapor intrusion investigations/monitoring, remediation activities/reporting, receptor evaluations, 

E2PM has conducted Biennial Certifications for an existing Deed Notice and Classification Exception Area (CEA). To determine if groundwater had reached compliance as modeled by the previously implemented CEA, monitoring wells were installed.  Free product was identified; therefore, several soil and groundwater investigations have been implemented as well as Vapor Intrusion investigations of nearby properties. 

During the investigations at the site an abandoned UST was found.  E2PM conducted the Notice of Intent (NOI) to remove the tank, which was discovered not to be leaking.  E2PM prepared the Closure Report and issued the Response Action Outcome (RAO) for the UST. Environmental investigation of the soil and groundwater are on-going at the site. 

Project Site, Kenilworth, NJ
Groundwater Sampling