E2PM has been directly involved with a multi-phased, multi-contaminant project at a former Chemical Company in Ridgefield, NJ providing environmental investigations and support for over 15 years.  

Past remedial actions included the closure of several underground storage tanks (USTs) and  aboveground storage tanks (ASTs), as well as the installation of a soil vapor extraction/air sparging (SVE/AS) with an oil separator AST system to address groundwater recovery and treatment.  E2PM reviewed the performance of the system on the property and found it was no longer effective and recommended decommissioning.  The site required a network of over 30 groundwater wells installed to monitor shallow, intermediate and deep wells. 

E2PM was tasked with providing all environmental consultation and investigative services under the NJDEP LSRP program, with Mr. John Ferrante identified as the LSRP assigned to this project.  E2PM completed several soil and groundwater remedial investigations and remediations to address petroleum Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) and chlorinated Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (DNAPL) exceedances.   This included delineating the vertical and horizontal extent of the site contamination. E2PM has also completed regulated Underground Storage Tank (UST) removals.  

E2PM is preparing the Soil Remediation Action Report (RAR) and the required institutional controls for the submittal of the Remedial Action Permit (RAP) application. Groundwater monitoring on and off-site continues to establish a decreasing trend and modeling of the Classification Exception Area (CEA) for the closure of the groundwater area of concern (AOC). 

Site Remediation Activities
Soil contamination