E2PM recognizes the need for major utility companies to balance safe and reliable services to its customers with environmental regulation and concerns.

Linear development refers to land uses for which the basic function is to connect two points. Examples include roads, highways, railroads, sewer and stormwater systems, gas and water pipelines, and electrical and telecommunication transmission lines. Linear developments typically don’t include utility lines, pipelines, or internal circulation roads within residential, commercial or industrial developments.  

Most of E2PM’s linear development experience involves providing support and services to power and utility companies throughout the States of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.  Projects have involved the support of electrical transmission corridor upgrades, substation upgrades / expansions, overhead conversions, baseline bulk power system upgrades, culvert replacements and other types of utility upgrade/improvement projects.    

E2PM has the staff and expertise to support utility companies with their power and gas infrastructure projects. E2PM can be instrumental during the planning phase as well as the data gathering and mapping phases for power and gas utilities work to identify physical and permitting constraints that may impact a project’s design.  E2PM’s staff includes GIS specialist, planners, engineers and ecologists who prepare and evaluate the environmental and permitting constraints for proposed utility routes.  E2PM staff is experienced in providing its utility clients with comprehensive plans and permitting support for aspects of utility work, including working with the NJDEP, executing county and local land use permits, zoning and construction permit applications.  Based upon E2PM’s experience and knowledge of utility projects and relationships with governmental agencies, the firm has been very successful in completing projects on schedule without costly delays.

Linear Development Services

  • Civil Engineering
  • Community Relations
  • Constraints Analysis
  • Construction Cost Estimating
  • County Planning Board approval
  • Due Diligence / Site Assessments
  • GIS Mapping
  • Inspections / Surveys
  • Land Yield Studies
  • Landscaping Design
  • Local Construction Permit Applications and Close-Out
  • Local Planning & Zoning Board Applications & Resolution Compliance Master Planning
  • Professional Engineering & Planning Testimony
  • Program Management
  • Public Representation
  • Regulatory Support
  • Site Assessments
  • Site Design Documents
  • Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Certification
  • Soil Erosion Sediment Control Monitoring
  • Structural Engineering

Environmental and Land-Use Permitting

Linear development projects also result in impacts to “special areas” that are regulated by the State and other governmental agencies and may require multiple permits prior to construction.  E2PM has prepared multiple environmental and land use permit applications for assistance in environmental and land use planning and construction. These services can be used as a planning tool to assist power or gas utility companies during property acquisitions, and the engineering design team in finalizing overhead and underground transmission routes.  E2PM can also be instrumental in assessing properties for suitability for substation placement and available to support alternative analyses.  Such services include:

  • Endangered Species Habitat Evaluations
  • Environmental Species Monitoring (Snake, Bog Turtle)
  • Federal and State Environmental Permitting
  • Filing On-Line Permit Applications
  • Fish Habitat Reviews
  • Stream Encroachment Permitting
  • Tree Surveys
  • Wetlands Delineation

Architectural / Archaeological Support

For many years, E2PM staff has developed innovative and cost-saving solutions for complicated cultural resources projects in the utility industry to comply with Federal, State and local regulations. Many projects have included large-scale multi-state linear overhead electrical transmission corridors.  E2PM has completed many of the following historical resource related services for linear projects:

  • Historic American Engineering Record Documentation
  • Historic Architectural Eligibility and Effects Evaluation
  • Historic Architectural—Direct Effects Mitigation
  • Identification-Level Historic Architectural Survey—Direct Effects
  • Identification-Level Historic Architectural Survey—Indirect Effects
  • Phase IA Archaeological Assessment
  • Phase IB Archeological Survey
  • Phase II Archaeological Eligibility Evaluation
  • Section 106 Compliance
  • State Historic Preservation Office (HPO) Consultations

Representative Projects