E2PM staff were retained to provide a range of professional services for a large Brownfield Redevelopment Project, otherwise known as “Maxwell Place” in Hoboken, New Jersey. This project, initially valued at $500M, was one of the largest and most successful Brownfield redevelopment projects in New Jersey.
The project was located on the 24 acre site of the Former Maxwell House Coffee Factory along the Hudson River waterfront with plans to be redeveloped into 1.4 million square feet of class “A” residential and commercial space consistent with the Hoboken Land Use Regulations for the I-1W Zoning district (Waterfront Mixed Use). It included several residential buildings and waterfront park areas that maximized public access to the waterfront with a key feature involving the connection of the Hudson River Walkway.
This project is representative of a complex industrial brownfields site where E2PM staff showcased both their environmental and engineering expertise from initial decommissioning through redevelopment. It is a project that enhanced E2PM’s experience with site soil and groundwater contamination from historical operations involving volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), Metals, and Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs).
Throughout the project, E2PM staff were responsible for providing a full spectrum of environmental and engineering services for demolition, remediation, dewatering, and redevelopment of the property. Tasks included:
- Provided re-redevelopment building condition inspections to identify above ground hazards and below ground impacts, along with structural assessment of the existing structures
- Conducted multiple environmental investigations, remediation’s and report preparations/notifications
- Developed bid specifications for the remediation and demolition with consideration of waterfront impacts
- Obtained waterfront redevelopment permits and US Army Corp of Engineers and US Coast Guard waterfront demolition and redevelopment approvals.
- Prepared redevelopment documents (deed notice approvals, design and implementation of engineering caps, re-inspection of engineering caps, and materials testing and placement oversight)
- Provided archaeological services during Trichloroethylene (TCE) remediation and soil excavation due to the site’s extensive historical and archeological resources.
- Prepared extensive perimeter and ambient monitoring programs and implemented during the demolition and TCE remediation.
- Prepared an Environmental Assessment for the extension of Frank Sinatra Drive in accordance with the federal National Environmental Policy Act requirements.
- Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation Remedial Investigation Report (RIR)
- Baseline Ecological Assessment (BEE)
- Remedial Action Selection Report (RASR)
- Remedial Action Work Plan (RAWP)
- Remedial Design (RD)
- Soil Management Plans
- Remedial Action Report (RAR)
- Health and Safety Plan (HASP)
- Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plans
- Deed Notices (DN) for six Redevelopment Blocks
- Classification Exception Area (CEA)
- Hudson River Sediment Sampling
- Mold, asbestos, PCB, and lead assessments
- Vapor Intrusion Studies
- Perimeter and ambient air monitoring
- Combined Sewer Overflow evaluations
- Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) Evaluations
This project was honored with a Smart Growth Award from NJ Future in the Mixed Use Waterfront Enhancement category and the 2011 Phoenix Award for E.P.A. Region 2 (Click Here)