E2PM was retained as an environmental consultant by Montclair State University (MSU) to provide a wide range of environmental and engineering support services at site-specific locations throughout the University’s campus in Montclair, New Jersey.
One project included preparing the technical specifications for MSU’s bid to remove four (4) underground storage tanks (USTs) / dispenser pumps located adjacent to the former Cogeneration building. E2PM prepared project drawings, provided a cross-section of the UST field and proposed grading plan for the UST removal, prepared detailed SESC and Stormwater Management measures in accordance with State and local regulations. E2PM initiated the decommissioning, closure and removal of the dispenser pumps associated with the USTs. Confirmatory soil samples were collected from the UST excavations and dispenser pump locations to confirm subsurface conditions at the Site following the UST removals. Since the post-closure analytical results for the 10,000-gallon gasoline/diesel UST, the 25,000-gallon #2 heating oil UST, and all associated piping were compliant with the NJDEP SRS, E2PM issued a Response Action Outcome (RAO) for this area of concern.
Other projects within MSU facility included:
Combined Heating Chilling and Power (CHCP) Plant – In November 2013, MSU completed the construction of a new CHCP Plant within the northwestern portion of MSU’s campus. E2PM completed the PA/ESA for the proposed location of the CHCP.
Phase II Soil Sampling for Campus Wide Utility Runs – E2PM utilized GIS to identify the site’s underlying geology and soils, and to ascertain any natural resources of environmental concern at or immediately adjacent to the site. E2PM coordinated with MSU’s chosen utility locator, InfraMap, to locate and identify subsurface utilities in the planned project areas. E2PM overlaid these utilities on project maps and figures for future subsurface investigations and planning.