E2PM was contracted by The Nature Conservancy in cooperation with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NRCS) to assist with a demolition and restoration project through the Hurricane Sandy Emergency Watershed Protection Easement Program (EWP-FPE) in Staten Island, New York.
The NRCS acquired nineteen (19) residential properties in Staten Island (13 with structures on them) through the EWP-FPE. The Nature Conservancy wanted to have structures demolished within the properties and restore them to their natural conditions; conveying these properties to the City of New York for inclusion in the Blue Belt Program. The properties include one and two-story single-family homes along five streets in Staten Island (Freeborn Street, Moreland Street, Olympia Blvd and Roma Avenue).
E2PM was hired to provide services during many phases for each property including general project management and correspondence/reporting services, project and on-site oversight services, and pre-demolition tasks through post-demolition and project close-out.
Services included preparations of demolition plans, demolition & fencing drawings, health and safety plans, waste management plans and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Plans; asbestos building inspections, testing, reporting and abatement oversights; conducted pre-condition surveys; arranged for the rodent abatement activities with the NYC Department of Health; coordinated with local utility companies; prepared all required forms and applications and obtained all permits and final inspections with the NYC DOB and BEST SQUAD. E2PM also applied for local demolition permits for each associated block and lot, arranged utility mark outs, dismantled all thirteen (13) properties along with foundations and footings and properly manifested and disposed of waste at a licensed facility. E2PM backfilled all properties to grade with clean fill and all properties were seeded. E2PM prepared all closeout reports for each property and included all manifests and submittal of the final DOB filing forms.