E2PM staff were extensively involved in providing ecological services for a natural gas pipeline project that extended throughout Sussex and Passaic Counties, NJ.
A major natural gas transmission company increased the capacity of its underground pipeline to transport natural gas supplies from rural areas, where newly accessed Appalachian and Marcellus shale gas deposits occur, to customers in the populated Metropolitan area. The project involved installation of seven (7) looping segments in Pennsylvania and New Jersey totaling approximately 128 miles of new 30-inch pipeline. The section of the project that E2PM was involved in was located in New Jersey, approximately 16 miles in length located through Sussex and Passaic Counties.
E2PM’s Mike Muller (NJDEP Endangered and Nongame Species Program (ENSP)-approved Primary-level Venomous Snake Construction Monitor) was contracted to assure that several conditions set forth in the permits issued as part of project approvals were in compliance. E2PM services included coordinating with the pipeline company, NJDEP ENSP biologists and several on-site environmental and ecological inspectors (EI’s), and daily, weekly or bi-weekly meetings with onsite EIs to ensure permit compliance in coordination with construction schedules.