E2PM was retained in 2013 by the New Jersey Schools Development Authority (NJSDA) to support their school expansion construction project of the Millville Senior High School at 200 North Wade Boulevard in Millville City, Cumberland County, NJ. E2PM provided numerous environmental services including but not limited to Preliminary Assessments/Site Investigations, Remedial Investigation and oversight of remedial actions.
E2PM investigations identified several potential Areas of Concern (AOCs) including historic agricultural operations, groundwater contamination, underground storage tanks, transformers, hydraulic lift systems, historic fill materials, chemical storage cabinets /closets, laboratory chemical use/storage, automotive fluids and petroleum, auto shop drainage system, and storage pads/waste storage. In 2016, the NJSDA contacted E2PM to complete additional investigations due to changes in the building design, and retained Mr. John Ferrante as the LSRP for the project.
Historic fill contamination lead to the need for remedial actions due to elevated levels of heavy metals (aluminum, antimony, arsenic, beryllium, Benzo(a)pyrene, cadmium, lead, manganese, mercury, silver and zinc) above the DIGWSSL in the soil samples. Remedial investigations and activities included scarifying and covering of historic fill soils, delineating the full extent of the historic fill present under the current building footprint of the cafeteria, removal of historic fill from the site within the proposed new construction areas, and capping of historic fill with clean fill, asphalt, concrete and building footprints. E2PM submitted the confirmed discharge notification on behalf of NJSDA to notify the NJDEP of the documented historic fill found at the Site.
E2PM is currently finalizing the Deed Notice and virtual Classification Exception Area (CEA) to apply for Remedial Action Permits (RAPs) for both soil and groundwater. A Restricted Use Response Action Outcome (RAO) will be issued when the NJDEP finalizes the RAPs. In addition to completing the site investigation and remedial activities, E2PM has provided review and responses to design-builder Requests for Information (RFI), design phase progress submissions, preliminary and final design phase submissions, construction phase submittals, and change orders.