E2PM was retained in 2021 by New York, Susquehanna and Western Railway (NYSW Railway) to complete Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) and Environmental Consulting services following an emergency response clean-up.   

A spill occurred in December 2020 during a routine filling of the on-site 12,000-gallon aboveground storage tank (AST).    Approximately 2,500 gallons of #2 dyed diesel fuel spilled from the fill pipe station on the eastern side of the railroad right-of-way (ROW) to the AST located on the west side of the railroad ROW. The surface discharge of the diesel fuel flowed in a southwesterly direction from the railroad property onto Industrial Avenue and into the Hackensack River. The NJDEP Emergency spill hot line was called and the NJDEP issued an incident number and responded to the spill.  In addition, the Coast Guard and the County had responded to the spill.  The emergency response and cleanup was completed by Miller Environmental Group (MEG) and a shallow sump was installed to capture additional free product.

E2PM was retained to collect required post-excavation soil samples and was responsible for gathering all information pertaining to the emergency spill cleanup and completing the Remediation Action Report (RAR).   E2PM also collected ground water samples from the sump once all free product was removed.  

Impacts remain in place and are under an engineering control and a Deed Notice recorded with the County.  E2PM will issue the Response Action Outcome (RAO-A) once the Remedial Action Permit (RAP) has been issued by the NJDEP.