E2PM was directly involved in a utility right of way culvert replacement project near Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey.  

E2PM staff were involved with the permitting, repairing and reconstruction of an existing access road, the replacement of three (3) deteriorated culverts located within the existing access road, and stabilizing of a fourth area where the access road embankments were severely eroded to re-establish safe access to the electrical transmission infrastructure located within the electrical transmission ROW and easements.

E2PM was responsible for the State, federal and regional permitting covering freshwater and coastal wetlands, and included all wetland delineations.   E2PM survey-located and mapped all points staked in the field and produced a base-map from which subsequent NJDEP/USACE and SCD Permit plans were generated.

With the culverts located within the limits of the Abbott Farm National Historic Landmark Historic District, E2PM’s cultural resource staff consulted with the NJHPO. In order to complete an application for Project Authorization, E2PM completed a desktop cultural resources screening to identify any previously recorded archaeological resources within the limits of disturbance which may be disturbed by the project. 

Wetlands flagging / delineation activities
E2PM Surveying activities