E2PM is routinely subcontracted to obtain approval for and monitor various maintenance to existing infrastructure improvement projects (i.e. existing access roads, culverts, and bridges) located within utility rights-of-ways located throughout New Jersey.  

In addition, where access to existing infrastructure (i.e. transmission towers) is non-existent, in addition to the approval and monitoring tasks, E2PM was contracted to design roads and watercourse crossings, prepare Site Plan and Zoning Certificate Applications, Construction Permitting/Permitting Closeouts, Building Permits, SESC Certifications and Closeouts as required.  

Typical maintenance projects include oversight (monitoring) of vegetation maintenance activities (i.e. routine clearing/mowing) as well as emergency “hot-spot” cutting (where vegetation is growing too close to conductors) where rare species are known to occur and where timing restrictions cannot be complied with, as well as the maintenance of existing improvements (i.e. re-surfacing of existing access roads, pot-hole repairs).  E2PM’s NJDEP/NPS-approved primary-level venomous snake monitor / lead principal investigator has captured, temporarily held, and relocated numerous timber rattlesnakes (State-endangered), northern copperheads (Special Concern), and wood turtles (State-threatened), as well as a multitude of common snakes and turtles, from active workspaces.  In addition, E2PM was also present on-site to ensure compliance with and maintenance of soil erosion and sediment control devices.